Please note- This assumes you have rudimentary knowledge of ResEdit
There are a multitude of files on how to create a custom
settings file for FirstClass so I will not cover that here. Normally
when you create a custom settings file for your users they must
replace their current file and re-configure their password, userid,
and other info. With FCSU, they need only to run the application
on the settings file.
Step 1: Create custom resources
Step 2: Copy the file 'Blank FCSU Installer File', name it something like '<BBS NAME> FCSU Installer File' and open it with ResEdit
Step 3: Copy the custom resources into the new installer file
Step 4: Create a 'Copy' resource of id 128
Step 5: Fill in a 'Copy' resource for each custom resource. The
'Classification' field is what is displayed in the 'Now Processing'
dialog during update. It is recommended that you group
classifications together for continuity. Please do not make the classification
field longer then 25 characters or it will not fit in the dialog correctly.
Step 6: Create a final 'Copy' resource, where the restype field
contains a 'END ' (space after END, case sensitive) to indicate
end of list.
EXTRA- If you wish to have FCSU delete an older resource instead of replacing it,
fill in the 'Copy' resource as normal with the restype and id. The classification field is unused in this case. Place a 1 in the delete field, and FCSU will delete the specified resource.
Search Order-
This is the order in which FCSU reads and handles the flags:
1) 'END ' tested- complete and quit if true
2) delete tested- update dialog, delete resource, and continue to next if true
3) Read resource type, id, and classification- update dialog for classification, copy resource, and continue to next resource.
Meanings of Flags-
RType- 4 Character resource type (PICT, cicn, ICON, etc) of
resource to copy. CASE SENSITIVE just like any resource type.
Pascal variable type ResType.
ResId- Integer value of resource id to copy. Pascal variable
type integer.
Classification- Text line. Please limit it to 15 chars or so, or
else it won't fit in the dialog box. Pascal variable type STR255.
Replace- Boolean value. 0 = false, 1 = true. To tell FCSU to
replace a resource in the settings file with same id, or to
leave it. Useful to update old icons, etc. To save disk access,
please only replace resources that need to be.
Delete - Boolean value. 0 = False, 1 = true. Tells FCSU to delete specified resource in settings file.
'Copy' resources must be consecutive ID's starting with 128
and there must be a 'Copy' resource with the resource type of
'END ' to inform FCSU that the end of the list has been reached.
Please remember- FCSU currently reads the entire resource into RAM before writing it. This may pose a problem for very large graphics. However, this can be solved by increasing the amount of RAM given to FCSU through the Get info dialog box. Future releases will handle large resources in segments.
You may freely distribute copies of FCSU to update your
BBS, providing that the distribution contains the 'FCSU ReadMe', the 'FCSU Admin Readme', and the 'Blank FCSU Installer File'